30 October 2008

FLOW: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 10/30/08

11:00 - Intro, making specific mention of the channel as "Comedy Central"
11:01 - Reference to Obama's appearance on the previous night's program, revealing of this evening's guest
11:02 - Clips/discussion of yesterday's Obama infomercial
11:03 - Satirical description of campaign as a TV reality show ("Barack's Millions")
11:04 - Editing of Obama infomercial to include corporate product advertisements
11:05 - Clip: Obama refers to barackobama.com (inter-medium links)
11:06 - CNN clip of Larry King interview with John McCain, which took place at the same time as Obama infomercial; clip from "The Muppet Show" inserting voices of McCain and King in place of the hecklers Statler and Waldorf
11:07 - Video clips of McCain from various live appearances/television interviews edited, narration added to create a parody of the Obama infomercial
11:08 - Immediately cuts to an ad for Stewart and Colbert's election special
11:09 - Advertisement for iPod Touch; Get Smart DVD ad uses the election as a tagline; Verizon advertisement plays with horror movie cliches
11:10 - Domino's oven-baked sandwich advertisement; Rock n' Rolla movie trailer; Old Spice advertisement
11:11 - Stewart returns, parodies "Joe the Plumber" as intro to segment on "Barack the Community Organizer"; clips of RNC speeches by Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin; interview with actual ACORN organizer
11:12 - Video of organizers and protests in their own communities; interview with Obama/ACORN critic who refers to bin Laden as a community organizer
11:13 - Interview with a self-described conservative Christian Republican who organizes in her community; she refers to Palin and Giuliani as reasoning behind her decision to volunteer Obama
11:14 - ACORN critic cites false registrations; ACORN worker argues his claims are designed to hide voter suppression
11:15 - ACORN critic links organization to buying of votes through crack cocaine; he then asks the organizer if she has any on her person
11:16 - Cut to commercial break as story ends; Quantum of Solace movie trailer
11:17 - History Channel ad for Cities of the Underworld; Sprint Instinct phone commercial set up as a parodic movie trailer
11:18 - M&Ms Halloween-themed advertisement; Dave Chappelle speaks for Bud Light in a commercial
11:19 - Another Rock n' Rolla ad citing Rolling Stone magazine and previous movies by the director; Transporter 3 trailer (designed to appeal to same target demographic?)
11:20 - Ad for the Saturday TV premiere of film Thank You for Smoking on Comedy Central; Stewart introduces guest Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard
11:21 - Stewart cites Kristol's written advice for the McCain campaign; he responds by joking McCain will win in an upset on Tuesday
11:22 - Stewart references Palin's "real America" comments, criticism of East Coast elites
11:23 - Stewart cites Larry King's McCain interview, the candidate's contradictions
11:24 - Kristol: "You've been reading the New York Times too much, Jon!" Stewart: "You WORK for the New York Times, Bill!"
11:25 - Stewart again refers to Kristol's own writing
11:26 - Discussion suddenly becomes serious, with Stewart frankly admitting he would have voted for 2000 McCain over Gore but no longer recognizes the candidate
11:27 - Name bar pops up reminding new viewers that this is Bill Kristol; commerical cut to a joint Comedy Central/Daily Show and AT&T special feature on debates
11:28 - Bookended by a reminder that this feature is sponsored by AT&T; directly followed by a more conventional AT&T ad
11:29 - Zac and Miri trailer; GameFly ad incorporates computerized footage of a football game,. various video game styles; Gillette advertisement; Subway 5 dollar footlong jingle
11:30 - A third Rock n' Rolla ad, a repeat of the second; another ad for the Stewart-Colbert joint coverage of Election Night
11:31 - Leads right back into the show's conclusion; Stewart says goodbye and introduces a McCain clip from a recent speech; the credits roll with a reminder of the faux ACORN interview
11:32 - Sister show The Colbert Report begins, and the flow continues (like the typical television viewer, I likely will "stay tuned".)

Just too good to let up:
11:33 - Colbert also refers to Obama infomercial as a fictional program; refers to McCain's Celebrity ad; includes clips from previous television programs such as Mr. Ed and The West Wing
11:34 - Colbert admits his fear that Obama will steal his Emmy, refers back to his three time Emmy loss

That's all, folks.

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