30 October 2008

Wednesday, Comedy Central 11-11:30 (Daily Show)

1) Opening graphics of Daily Show. Jon Stewart announces that guest will be Barack Barack Obama by satellite (enticing us to stay watching the show). Stewart talks about “Obama magic”, flowers come out of his mouth, colors fly across screen. Audience laughs.
2) Video of Obama saying McCain is similar to Bush, it’s a clip from a news show. We cut away from the Obama speech, anchor begins talking about a car chase. Video of white van. Cut back to Stewart’s confused reaction. He shows image of a white van with Joe the Plumber text on it. (Here is an example of pieces of a news program from another channel being shown on a comedy news program---the world of TV)
3) Stewart shows us clips of news reporters saying Palin is going rogue. Fake trailer: “They set her loose, but they forgot one thing….she couldn’t be contained”. Over-the-top Hollywood action style, clips from movies. Flashing lights say malfunction, chase scenes. Movie voice says, “Only 6 days to stop her from destroying everything”, “they created a monster”, “this November, Sarah Palin is Going Rogue”. (Here the Daily Show is engaging in the worlds of cinema and politics). Rogue Magazine with Palin on the front cover (referencing other forms of media as part of the joke).
4) Stewart wants to know what it meant to “go rogue”. Clips from news shows of reporters saying Palin disagreed with some of McCain’s tactics. This is much less dramatic than Stewart expected, he asks “and blew up a warehouse?” Audience laughs.
5) Another news clip of a reporter saying Joe the Plumber will be out on the campaign trail for McCain. Stewart reacts in horror—says septic tank is overflowing.
6) Cut to clip of Joe the Plumber saying vote for Obama is a vote for death of Israel. When asked why by a reporter, Joe says his supporters should explain. Cut back to confused Jon Stewart. Clip of Tito the Builder on Fox News, Tito says Obama is similar to Hugo Chavez, says he can smell it. Stewart asks if people are voting based on smell. Audience laughs (the audience laughs at nearly everything Stewart says).
7) Stewart interviews “Bob the Builder” (another example of inter-textuality between shows, except in this case the children’s show character is very crass).
8) Commercial #1: Daily Show brought to you by AT&T. “Jeff’s phone here” –He doesn’t have AT&T so does not have reception. Get the new LG phone.
9) Commercial #2: Kung-Fu Pana commercial—“One of the best movies of the year” –DVD is out.
10) Commercial #3: “What makes a Hershey’s bar pure?” People eating Hersheys and enjoying it.
11) Commercial #4: Movie Trailer: “Rock and Rolla”, shooting, explosions, people yelling.
12) Commercial #5: Gas pumps leaking, car commercial, Lexus is more fuel efficient. Visit Lexus.com/intelligent choice (referring to online media here)
13) Commercial #6: Movie trailer: “Zach & Miri”
14) Commercial #7: Colbert and Jon Stewart will have a show on election night. (Stewart appears in this ad which is obviously not live, but right after the ad we return to the live Stewart).
15) Back to the Daily Show. Stewart says he’s going to interview Barack Obama (this is the second time he’s said this—trying to entice viewer to stay). He says he feels so lucky to have interview with Obama ---Clip plays from the show Extra. Reporter mentions upcoming “exclusive interview with Obama”. Cut back to Stewart angry, addresses the reporter from Extra saying “I hope it went well for you”. (obviously this is scripted but Stewart acts like he’s reacting spontaneously to the clips. This seems to be a major pattern in the show). Cut back to Extra talking about the reporter’s pants crisis before the interview. Stewart jokes about musical pants.
16) Commercial #8: Sarah Silverman program trailer.
17) Commercial #9: movie trailer: Four Christmases –family, comedy.
18) Commercial #10: movie trailer: Rachel is getting married, woman driving, crashes into scene. Text and voice says “Jonathan Demme’s best film since Silence of the Lambs” –title of movie is “Rachel Getting Married” ---seems to be a female-oriented drama.
19) Commercial #11: Movie trailer: “Zach & Miri” trailer again. –adult-oriented R comedy.
20) Commercial #12: Mercedes Benz commercial. M-class senses collision. We see crash testing. “Absorbs and reflects energy” –very safe car.
21) Commercial #13: movie trailer: “Twilight”--- vampires, teenagers—female-oriented.
22) Commercial #14: Lotion commercial. Smiling woman says “this stuff really works”.
23) Commercial #15: Rain-X latitude has developed revolutionary wiper blades to outsmart the elements.
24) Commercial #16: Shampo. Its so soft and gentle. “Selsun Blue”, “the difference is clear”. Woman in shower.
25) Commercial #17: network premiere for movie “Thank You For Smoking” coming soon. Clip from “Thank You For Smoking”. (There have now been 10 commercials as opposed to the first block of 7 commercials. Since people are interested in seeing Obama on the Daily Show, it makes sense to increase the advertising at this time.)
26) Back to the Daily Show. Stewart says Obama is joining us by satellite –clapping, Obama is seen on split-screen with Jon. He’s in Florida. (The announcement and clapping left plenty of time for someone who was just listening to come back into the room and see Obama before the interview began). Obama is in front of an American flag (patriotic) and books (smart)
27) Stewart asks about Obama’s 30 min special—Obama says it’s the Obama infomercial—his daughter had been worried that her programs would be interrupted but he had assured her that it wasn’t going to be on Disney. (referencing other channels)
28) Transitioning between the split screen to Stewart taking up all of screen and Obama taking up all of screen. –makes it seem like they are together but they are actually in different places. Obama says purpose of infomercials is to remind voters “here’s what I’m going to do” and to let people make up their minds.
29) Stewart mentions everything that people are afraid of and have accused Obama of being---terrorist sympathizer, socialist, witch, etc. Obama laughs and says average voter is more concerned with house, healthcare, etc. not paying so much attention to ridiculous stuff. He jokes that proof of his socialism that his opponents found was that he shared toys with the other kids in kindergarten. Audience laughs. A lot of clapping for Obama.
30) Stewart discusses Bradley effect. Says Obama is part white, is he concerned that his white half will decide not to vote for himself. Obama jokes that it’s a problem and he’s making sure he’ll vote properly.
31) Stewart asks if its possible for Obama and McCain to like each other after the election. Obama says he admires McCain’s service to country and hopes he can work with McCain after election. –a lot of issues need bipartisan support like global warming and oil issues. Audience applauds loudly.
32) Stewart points out that America has had even more problems recently and asks Obama “is there a sense you don’t want this?”. Obama laughs and says this is the time to become president and have the chance to make an impact. He says we’re generally a pretty conservative society and we leave things alone until there is a major challenge and then must deal with it. Stewart thanks him for the interview. Audience claps.
33) Commercial #20: Movie trailer: Family issues, one man punches another. Woman slaps a man. “Soul Men”.
34) Commercial #21: Halloween themed commercial—“scariest part of Halloween is giving away Reeses”
35) Commercial #22: clips from the movie “Get Smart”. Voice says “Vote November 4th and buy Get Smart on DVD” (this seems to reference Obama’s presence on the Daily Show and all the election-themed talk)
36) Commercial #23: Dominos oven baked sandwich.
37) Commercial #24: Movie trailer: James Bond walking dramatically, flashbacks, voice over “I have some unfinished business”, action montage, “Quantum of Solace”. (Its funny that this trailer came two commercials after “Get Smart” which is in many ways a James Bond spoof. Also the action-themed trailer recalls the Sarah Palin spoof trailer on the Daily Show)
38) Commercial #25: Video game commercial---old 40s style song on radio (lyrics---“I don’t want to set the world of fire”), camera zooms out through a dirty, abandoned bus, city is devastated only shells of buildings remain. An armored warrior stands in the foreground saying “War…war never changes”. Then title comes on “Fallout 3”. (This is also an interesting commercial because the fictional, wartorn world brings back to mind Stewart asking Obama if he really wants to lead America in a troubled time. It also puts some of our issues in perspective---atleast our cities haven’t been nuked…)
39) Commercial #26: Colbert and Stewart will be covering election night. Same ad as before promoting the channel.
40) Colbert Report begins.
(Its interesting that the last group of commercials seems to be aimed at a more male audience--James Bond, videogames, etc.---whereas the earlier commercial blocks were clearly more female oriented. Perhaps the advertisers are trying to cover both demographics)

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