30 October 2008

I apologize in advance for how ridiculously long this is

I. (Female broadcaster facing camera)
Woman: “Tipping the Balance” may select 2 or 3 of new justices; how much could McCain or Obama
II. (broadcaster’s back and facing author – Campbell Brown, see both in shot, show author from long distance shot with supreme court justices in background, fancy patriotic images in background)
Woman and man: discuss different supreme court justices in references to Obama and McCain
III. (Close up to author who is making eye contact with broadcaster)
IV. (Show newscaster turned in seat toward author)
V. (author switches between eye contact with camera and with newscaster)
discuss issues: abortion, affirmative action
VI. (newscaster facing author) Woman: asks about Obama’s views on Constitution
VII. (“Coming up” written in bold font across the screen)
Woman: Coming up next, Joe the Plummer
(shot to Joe in interview)

VIII. (Film woman walking with outdoors – Target commercial)
voice over discusses finances that “open doors for you”

IX. (Film computer on internet) Voice over: Not sure who to believe on taxes? Calculate how much you would have to pay, Tax Policy Planners → Obama’s campaign

X. (Film “average” people)
Voice over: sick of paying for gas, never get enough work done
sick of traveling for meetings?
“GoToMeeting.com” log on to start your conference call

XI. Voice over: reminder of Campbell Brown’s appearance
(flash Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull)

XII. (Film female newscaster)
Woman: introduces Joe the Plummer
XIII. (Joe standing at podium “McCain” written on front, patriotic imagery)
Voice over: first stop on Joe the Plummer campaign bus tour
XIV. (2 announcers sitting at podium)
Woman: introduces Randy Kaye introduced
XV. (“The Briefing” written on side of screen)
Randy Kaye:
Hudson’s nephew murdered
Palin will leave campaign trail → Alaska to vote on election day
Market surge
Northeast first snow storm: images of snow
XVI. Campbell’s news: “I’m pregnant”
(Film On daily show, 2 discussing sitting at desk (one of announcers from CNN there → connect televisual world)

XVII. Voice over: coming up: Minneapolis airport police interview with sen Larry Craig

XVIII. (Film air plane and Mt. Everist)
Voice over: “Conquered...” air plane, Mt. Everset
→ shaving commercial, film content man feeling cheeks

XIX. Reminder: Larry King Tomorrow Night → John McCain on CNN

XX. Voice over: Barak Obama approves message
(Film John McCain saying: “I voted with the president over 90% of the time”)

XXI. (Film lamas running around in field)
AOBA: Alpaca livestock industry

XXII. Reminder: McCain and Obama Revealed on CNN Saturday night

XXIII. (Film Larry King leaning forward toward camera)
Larry King: “Coming Up”
• McCain and Palin having issues
• 3 formers secretaries will be with us
• Campbell Brown will be back after this
(Words “Coming up” in bold letters)

XXIV. (Film average people)
Voiceover: Insulate.com: save money on bills

XXV. (Film shots of Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, John McCain)
Voice over: Gambling: Paris, Britney, John McCain → Fair Elections Act

XXVI. (Film therapy session, conversation between 2 men one speaks different language)
Voice over: Edward Jones → get broker you can understand

XXVII. (Woman newscaster sitting at desk facing camera, long shot, zooms in slowly)
Woman: Sen Larry Craig pleading guilty to misdemeanor → solicit gay sex from undercover cop
“I am not gay, I never have been gay”
comedians make fun of incident
resigns from senate, then later says nevermind
effective senator → shows senator discussing with average people, switch shots to Idaho
(whole time “No Bias, No Bull” Campbell Brown in corner of screen
Woman: No Bias No Bull Rogues Gallery
XXVIII. (Joe Johns, eye contact facing camera)
Man: makes announcement
XXIX. Man’s image juxtaposed next to other woman newscaster
XXX. Image in news room reads: 7 Days Until Election Day (intense music plays)

XXXI. (shot switches between Obama and McCain, advertisement for Election Day, words read: McCain and Palin “have clashed”)

XXXII. Voice over: news Breaking right now on Larry King Live (patriotic colors shown)
XXXIII. introductory voice before see image of who’s speaking (just see shots of people and political colors)
XXXIV. Larry King sitting at desk, close up leaning in and facing camera (introduces rest of show that will be following)
XXXV. (Juxtapose John King next to Larry King → John King facing camera)
John King: discusses “last minute campaign frenzy” → Latino voters
XXXVI. Voice over continues (Shots to crowds of voters with flag, “Democratics have advantage, juxtapose his image next to crowds rallying)
XXXVII. Larry King’s voice over introduces next interviewee
XXXVIII. (Film woman juxtaposed next to Sarah Palin at speech)
Woman: democratic party advantaged
XXXVIX. Larry King: (voice over) briefing what’s to come, then introduces next guest
XL. Woman speaking juxtaposed next to crowds at Obama rally
XLI. (Shot of Larry King)
Larry King: is this winnable for McCain?
XLII. (Man engaged with audience answering, juxtaposed next to rallying crowd)
XLIII. Larry King’s voiceover with next guest’s image (while he asks her question about Obama vs. McCain)
Discusses Cuban vote to win Florida
XLIV. (Films image of speaker at Palin Rally)
Larry King: announces break
“we’ll be right back” → intense “finale” music, applause

XLV. (film family outside, cars, calm music) → Subaru commercial
XLVI. (Film woman sitting with face mask on, metamusile pills)
Voice over: beautify yourself
XLVII. Voice over: 1 week to go until election day: CNN facebook (get started on forum)
XLVIII. Voice over: Larry King tomorrow night: John McCain on Larry King live, tomorrow night
XLVIV. Have you had Kidney failure? Heart surgery (intense background with cardiac monitoring machine) → drug consultation
L. (Cartoon of dog teacher)
Voice over: your pets need year round medication “1-800-pet-meds”
LI. Voice over: One on one with Barak Obama: Friday 6 eastern

LII. Larry King: We’re back (Larry King facing camera, switch to Palin rally image)
LIII. Larry King: Economy remains number 1 issue with voters: watch McCain (Films McCain speech → Obama “redistribution of wealth”)
LIV. Woman announcer discusses redistribution (Palin’s speech juxtaposed with applause)
LV. Switch to Larry King (“Live,” “7 Days to Election” in corner entire time)
LVI. (Palin giving speech)
Palin: are you ready to send us to Washington to mix things up

This specific sequence had a very clear connection: the election. The “commercial breaks” in this sequences do not even seem to interrupt the flow – they constantly refer back to the current show (i.e. segment XI). Also, for the most part the content of the commercials connected to the news coverage, seeing as it was all either directly or indirectly linked to the election. For example, during the first commercial break after segment VII that introduces Joe the Plummer (the epitome of the “average guy”), all of the commercials aim to appeal to the “average person.” The commercials are successful in doing this simply by filming people doing average activities as well as addressing financial concerns (i.e. VIII and IX). The pervasive commercials regarding finances also smoothly tie in with the election and the discussion of each candidate’s stance on taxes.

Suspense is also prominent during this sequence in multiple forms. First, the channel constantly reminds the viewer of the upcoming election (i.e. segment XXX) with countdowns, advertisements, and its overall political emphasis. Also, during commercial breaks, there are frequent reminders of the channel’s upcoming agenda. In addition, the bold letters “Coming up” accompanied by the typical music (i.e. XXIII) intensify the suspense.

Overall, this sequence had a very clear political focus that was apparent in both the commercials and the actual program. The only break from this “political agenda” was segment XXI – the commercial for livestock. When I was watching the sequence, I was aware of my involvement with the flow and my mind was actively thinking about the upcoming election the entire time… until this bizarre commercial. I am still debating over the reasoning behind its inclusion, but it did have a local feel to its quality, which could be attributing to the channel’s targeting the “average person” and directly connecting to the viewer in a specific region.

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